Thursday, January 17, 2008

You Were Right, I Was Wrong...(by Jesse)

Yes, Hon, I admit it, here, in front of all of humanity: you were right, I was wrong. As it turns out, my hypothesis presented in Cherith's Honeycrisp post was disproved. Cherith can indeed differentiate between a honeycrisp (hereafter called the Eve-bane) and a Fuji. I ran to the store the other night because we were (O my God!) out of Eve-banes, and the store I went to happened to not carry them. Not wanting to go to a different store, I chose instead to select four very large Fujis, that visually are very much like the giant Eve-banes. I brilliantly peeled the little identification labels off so Cherith would think she was biting into an Eve-bane, and waited... the first was given to Nathan, who ate it without comment. The second to Ceci, to whom Cherith proudly proclaimed "this is the best apple you'll ever eat", to which she replied, "yeah! (heh heh)". The third is sitting on my desk, quivering slightly as it knows it will soon be consumed. And the fourth went to Cherith, who called me as soon as she choked down the first bite. Sorry Hon! I had to try!


Cherith said...

Jesse S, I love you to pieces but you are a STINKER!

Anonymous said...

Jesse, you are BAD! We women, who have discriminating palates, can taste the difference in lots of things. I'll bet you'll never try something like that again! Good try, though.