Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I love Mother's Day. I love it because my darling husband spoils me rotten on this day and on most other days throughout the year. I love it because it has special meaning to me and it reminds me of how very blessed I am.

I love Mother's Day because it reminds me of what an absolute privilege it is to BE a mother. I am so grateful that these three beautiful souls choose or were chosen to be mothered by me. I am grateful that I have been entrusted with such an amazing gift. I will continue learning and growing and trying to be the best mother I can.

Isaac, Nathan and Anna, I love you more than words can say!

I love Mother's Day because there are so many souls out there who, while they may or may not have children, were clearly born to mother the people on this earth. This day is set aside especially in recognition of those wonderful people.

I love Mother's Day because I dearly love my own mother and because it gives me the chance to tell her what a wonderful person she is and what a wonderful job she did raising me, despite the fact that I was less than thrilled with some of her mothering at the time. I can only hope that my kids will also grow up to appreciate the things that I have done and will do for them, but that they resented me for at the time. I love you mom! Thanks for everything!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and moms to be out there!


Anonymous said...

reading something like this is all the payment a mom could ever want.

Elizabeth said...

I could not have said it better.
Happy Mother's Day dear friend!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day, Cheri! Hope you had a great day!
